Filip Kovacevic

BFP Exclusive- The citizenship policies of the US puppets: The case of Montenegro’s Milo Djukanovic

When Djukanovic gets thrown out, and that day is inexorably coming, where will he go?
The US political and economic oligarchy has had a long history of using the corrupt rulers of puppet states to do its bidding throughout the world. One of the ways that these rulers perform the services useful for the US clandestine, anti-democratic operations, typically conducted by the CIA or the Pentagon, is by granting citizenship to the persons who, due to their allegiance to the promotion of the US oligarchy's interests, have been forced to leave their native countries.

BFP Exclusive- A Hot Spot in the Cold Seas: The US-Russia Continuing Border Dispute

Bering Sea, the 1990 US-Russia Maritime Border Agreement & the Imperial Interests
History is no stranger to wars which began due to the disputed border territories. Even the start of the US Civil War was in part fueled by border conflicts between certain states. This is why it is of great importance to pay careful attention to any existing border disputes, especially if they take place between countries armed with nuclear weapons.