
From Movies to Apologetics: Jay on Freed Indeed Podcast

In this interview, we get to meet Jay Dyer. Apologist, comedian, and Orthodox Christian. We had a great time discussing Jay’s background and how he came into the Orthodox Church. As well as discussing some apologetics topics and even getting questions answered from fans regarding eschatology and theology. Freed Indeed is here. Remember to boost […]

Debate: Trent Horn Vs. Jay Dyer: Should Christians Accept Natural Theology?

“The purpose of Intellectual Conservatism is to defend the true, good and beautiful things of life that are jeopardized in mainstream academia and society. On this page, you will find artwork, music, satire, academic papers, lectures and my own projects defending the duty of conserving these true, good and beautiful things.” This debate will center […]

Top 10 BAD Arguments Against the Transcendental Argument for God

We often hear the same objections to TAG based on similar mistakes.  A year ago I did a specific stream presenting TAG and why it holds up against TANG found here. I covered the supposed transcendental argument for the non-existence of God, but we saw this was based on a fallacious understanding of theological voluntarism.  Today we will cover more common and simpler objections to TAG which are usually based on misunderstandings, fallacies and basic blunders.


Proof for God In 15 Minutes?

Can Theism be established logically? Is there a simple presentation of the transcendental argument that can be had in 15 minutes? In this video I attempt to boil down the presuppositional argument to a brief comparison and contrast with the atheist/secularist/materialist worldview as a test case. Logically the non-theist only has a limited number of paths it can take from its starting point. Early on, Sir Sceptic challenges this argument with his refined logic skills.