Fake terror

False Alarm or Psy-Op? LAX ‘Active Shooter’ Spectacle, JFK Airport Panic & Staged Propaganda

Shawn Helton
21st Century Wire
Another active-shooter ‘false alarm’ made the headlines this past week, as war propaganda images continue be dispensed by Western media – multiple narratives that have contributed to an environment of confusion, fear and uncertainty in the War On Terror era.
The timing of these current events cannot be overstated, revealing a deeper social engineering agenda at play underneath the larger geopolitical drama unfolding worldwide…

Police Stage Fake Terror Attack on British Shopping Mall

21st Century Wire says…
Is this really necessary?
British Police staged a fake terror attack on a British shopping mall in Manchester today.
The ‘authorities’ commandeered the entire mall to stage a fake suicide bombing and attack with small arms.
Numerous ‘crisis actors’ were involved, along with many others playing the roles of civilians.