Eva Putzova

Dems Have A Plan-- Republicans Refuse To Read It And Reject It Out Of Hand

L.A. County announced that stay at home orders would remain in place 'til at least August 1. I don't see much enforcement in L.A. and everything I read indicates that outside the Bay Area there's no real enforcement anywhere. For example, Elon Musk, the selfish white South African billionaire-- and asshole-- still hasn't been arrested for reopening his factory. And California wonders why the numbers just keep climbing and climbing. A few weeks ago, California only had 880 or so cases per million. Those days are gone.

Do You Trust Washington With Your Family's Well-Being?

Nabilah Islam, pictured above, is the most progressive candidate running for the open seat in the GA-07 seat in the suburbs and small towns north of Atlanta. This morning she shared an observation with us: "The House and Senate have had four opportunities to do what is right by the American people. At this point, I have faith in very few members in either chamber to put the American people first. We are on the brink of another great depression.

Democracy Is Messy-- But Fascism Has Nothing To Do With Democracy

I was just 16 when I got my only paid job ever working for a political campaign. I operated the elevator in Bobby Kennedy's Senate campaign headquarters in Manhattan. I was thinking of Kennedy today in regard to the Trumpist terrorists' pictures I see parading around with their assault weapons protesting public health measures designed to save our country from the pandemic. "Democracy is messy, and it's hard," Kennedy famously said. "It's never easy." I don't remember when he said it or in what context.

World Leader? Nope

Other than nations that have transactional relationships with Trump, the whole world generally detests him. Both friends of the U.S. like the EU countries and foes of our country, like North Korea, look at him like a buffoon. Even if you don't understand German, the video above gives you an idea of what kind of esteem Germans hold the president-- especially when you compare that to how admired Barack Obama was there.Last week Trump mouthed off about how great his relationship is with murderous Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, boasting how the U.S.

American Families Need Income During The Pandemic Trump Has Extended With His Early-- And Continuing-- Incompetence

Pramila Jayapal-- still moving the country forwardYesterday, the Congressional Progressive Caucus let Pelosi know what they expect to be included in the next federal COVID-19 relief package. Although Pelosi was once a co-founder and active member of the caucus-- and although it's the biggest of the Democratic groupings in Congress-- Pelosi pays far more attention to what the Blue Dogs and New Dems want than what th

Why Do Trump And The GOP Oppose Vote By Mail-- Even During A Deadly Pandemic?

That was a Tweet from Señor Trumpanzee yesterday. It would be paranoid to say he opposes vote by mail because the GOP has put so much effort into being able to rig electronic voting machines. But paranoia doesn't always mean you're wrong, does it? I asked some of the progressive candidates we've been talking with how they felt about Trump's attempts to vilify and block vote by mail proposals.