
UK threatens to block the placement of Russian Eurobonds

The UK-May government is mulling over moving their poisoning hoax hysteria into the realm of finance.
Britain wants to prevent the placement of Russian Eurobonds, which have helped bring tens of billions of dollars into the Russian budget.
Is this threat real or just more May and Boris hot air?
If the UK moves forward with such a provocative financial policy, how will Russia’s Central Bank respond?
Sputnik correspondent Natalya Dembinskaya reports

Here’s why Ukraine is suing Russia in the International Court of Justice

The case Ukraine is bringing in the International Court of Justice is attracting scant international attention and has been almost entirely ignored by Western governments and by the Western media.  Having said this it is an interesting case which begs a number of obvious questions.
Ukraine’s claim is set out in an indictment which apparently runs to 45 pages.  The summary of its claim, which is dated 17th January 2017, can be found here.