Genetic Engineering, Agriculture and Brexit: Treachery in Our Midst

Colin Todhunter The UK government has launched its public consultation on the deregulation of gene editing in England. To kick things off, somewhat predictably Environment Secretary George Eustice recently spun a staunch pro-industry line at the Oxford Farming Conference by stating: Gene editing has the ability to harness the genetic resources that Mother Nature has …

Genetic Engineering, Agriculture and Brexit: Treachery in Our Midst

The UK government has launched its public consultation on the deregulation of gene editing in England. To kick things off, somewhat predictably Environment Secretary George Eustice recently spun a staunch pro-industry line at the Oxford Farming Conference by stating: Gene editing has the ability to harness the genetic resources that Mother Nature has provided in […]

Merkel gets EU-China deal done. Nord Stream 2 closer to completion

Merkel gets EU-China deal done. Nord Stream 2 closer to completion The Duran: Episode 841. Merkel pushes EU-China investment deal over the finish line despite criticism Leaders from Brussels and Beijing are scheduled to endorse investment agreement in videoconference on Wednesday. Merkel pushes EU-China investment deal over the finish line despite criticism For critics, it’s […]

Turkish expert: Erdogan may attack Ain Issa before Biden takes office

Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator The situation in Turkey is precarious. The Turkish-US relations are strained, and now US President-elect Joe Biden will enter office soon, and the relationship may soon face even more stress. Turkey is in economic peril, domestic suffering, and highly involved in a foreign conflict while occupying Syria. In order […]

Diplomat urges Biden to engage with others to resolve the Syrian crisis

Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator  Charles Thépaut is a French diplomat and resident Visiting Fellow at The Washington Institute. He recently published a policy analysis concerning the US foreign policy on Syria. While, much of his analysis demonstrates professionalism; he misses a very important point of view: that of the Syrian people living inside Syria, […]