EU referendum

TTIP and the UK’s Misjudged EU Referendum Debates…

The big, final EU Referendum debate, held at Wembley Stadium on Tuesday night, seemed to do very little but reiterate both camps’ arguments and positions from recent weeks. Aside from giving Boris Johnson his dramatic “Independence Day” moment, both sides of the debate simply continued their same mixture of accusations, evasions and fearmongering. What is remarkable is that, […]

The Left and the EU: Why Cling to This Reactionary Institution?

Across the Continent, the unelected officials who have usurped the power of national governments and asserted their right to determine the fates of countless millions, through their adherence to the damaging creed of neoliberalism, have wrought suffering on an unimaginable scale, casting millions into poverty and removing the last vestige of dignity people cling to in an economy that has fallen prey to the voracious claims of big business.

Daniel, GW, Kumiko - Brexit: Time for the UK to Leave the EU - Hour 1

Guessedworker (GW) is an English nationalist in favor of international nationalism. Having lived in 1950s era Britain, he has since seen his nation undermined by neo-liberalism and Jewish-inspired leftism. He created in 2004 as a forum to find solutions for the myriad of problems facing not only the British people, but all European peoples as well. Kumiko Oumae is the Eurasian affairs contributor for

EU: In or out?

With a historic vote looming on 23 June, Brits remain divided over whether the UK should stay in the EU. Some believe a ‘Brexit’ would cut through red tape clogging the British economy and give Westminster more control. Others insist our ties to Europe profoundly shape Britain’s workforce, trade and culture for the better.