
UFO / Alien Disclosure & “Crashed Physical Evidence” Plus UAP Clips – Jay Dyer

It’s back as we predicted – the pentagon is hyped up about aliens and UFOs and the recent claims of crashed craft, recycling the old Roswell myth. Area 51 and the underground base claims are also resurfacing, but what it is really behind alien disclosure? Is it a massive deception? Live at 4 PM CST […]

Writings of the Elite! How the World Really Works – The BIS, EU, Rhodes & More (Half) – Jay Dyer

Tonight we return to the Raitu book on the history of the Milner Group and its intrigues with BSAC and the formation of the BIS, the EU and Churchill’s role. We will also look at some of the intelligence background to this time with the real spying at a higher level than field operations. Live […]

The Real Meaning of the Mission Impossible Films – Jay & Jamie

In this analysis we will break down all 7 installments of the Mission Impossible franchise in anticipation of the coming 2 part conclusion (?) – Mission Impossible Dead Reckoning to the wildly successful series from Tom Cruise. What is the connection of the series to real intelligence operations and the CIA? Who is the basis […]

Institutional Capture Explained: The State Dept, CIA & Orthodox, Roman Catholic & Protestant Churches – Jay Dyer Pt. 1

By: Jay Dyer An Introduction to the historical and geopolitical factors of state and private interference in ecclesial and religious affairs The notion of state interference in the life of the Church is well known to students of Church history: Arian Emperors, Imperial support for iconoclasm, the Frankish and Germanic control of the papacy, as […]

The Real Story of the Intelligence Agencies: OSS, CIA, MI6, & KGB – Jay Dyer

Today we will do another breakdown of key history most are unaware of. The true story of the intelligence agencies is being the servants of of the robber barons. This removes the glitz and glamour of espionage which might be an honorable profession if it were in service to the nation, as opposed to service […]

Coronation: The Ancient Rites of Inversion & The Metaphysics of Geopolitical Chaos – Jay Dyer

This is a clip from a recent livestream covering the mainline history of British Intelligence’s role in serving the designs of fabian socialism from the inner party elite. The full talk is available at my site or my R0kfin. The Coronation ceremony is what everyone is talking about, which is odd since this ancient Christian […]

War Propaganda, Tavistock & Energy Control – 21 Wire Panel

Patrick Henningsen hosts a panel of academics and authors to cover modern war propaganda and psyops – making public opinion and consensus reality on war. Be sure and listen to the end with Freddie Ponton give his analysis of 5th generational warfare and energy control as the key issue in regard to Ukraine. Audio Discussion […]
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Jay Dyer Breaks Down the History of Mind Control Warfare

Jay Dyer of guest hosts The hAlex J0nes Show to expose the history of mind control warfare. Next up on our live tour is Los Angeles – July 6 with @jamiekennedycomedy !! 5 hours of shenanigans with Kennedy as headliner! Get tickets here! Big Live Event in Nashville June 3-4 before my Cali event! I’ll be […]

Aldous Huxley, The Doors of Perception & Hollywood – Jay Dyer (Half)

This evening we will cover another Huxley text I got around to reading, his well known Doors of Perception. A mystical, religious text, this syncretist work of propaganda was instrumental in the drug revolution of the 1960s, and in particular, the promotion of psychedelia and hallooocinogens. I am not advocating for any drug taking. This […]

This Organization Is Behind EVERYTHING & You Don’t Know It! – Jay Dyer (Half)

I managed to get through a super obscure text that is not available anywhere – Dr Coleman’s Tavistock text from 2005. This book has not been in print for many years but I made my way through it for you guys. We will cover the first half and in so doing we will see how, […]
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