
Have Eritrea’s Afars Lost Their Sailing Heritage?

It seems that Eritrea’s Afar people have lost their sailing heritage, falling victim to the internal combustion engine and fossil fuels. Living along the southern Red Sea coast of Africa, the Afars were made famous by the finding of the earliest human remains in the Afar Desert (once the Sea of Afar, and a Sea again one day due to[Read More...]

President Issias Aferwerki Vs. Al Jazeera; February 2010

This transcript is from an interview done by Eritrean President Issias Aferwerki and Al Jazeera “journalist” Jane Dutton in February 2010, shortly after the UNSC passed punitive sanctions against Eritrea based on what has now been proven to be fabrications. The sanctions are now history and this interview stands as an example for aspiring journalists of just how low their[Read More...]

Saying Goodbye to UN Sanctions Against Eritrea

It isn’t often the UN Security Council votes unanimously to remove sanctions against a country, but this past Wednesday, November 14 they did just that by saying goodbye to nine years of UNjust punishment against the small, socialist, east African country of Eritrea. It was Christmas Eve, 2009 when the USA forced through UN Security Council sanctions against Eritrea, with[Read More...]

Thaw in the Horn of Africa: The anti-colonial struggle of Eritrea and the liberation of Ethiopia

  With the nearly unbelievable sudden rapprochement between the presidents Abiy and Afwerki, hopes and dreams seems to have come through. Hopes and dreams for peace and cooperation between the two neighbour nations and ending the total blockade of communication after 20 years of walking in the desert. Telephone lines and transport lines are opened, so people can meet their[Read More...]

Continued Unjust Sanctions Against Eritrea In 2017

Western Imperialism continues to use UN to demonize Eritrea with no substantial and valid arguments. With sanctions in the Security Council(UNSC) the masters of the universe and their fellow-travellers hope to cripple this proud and independent nation. But in vain. On the 14 Nov 2017 the UNSC again voted to continue the sanction regime. 11 affirmative and 4 abstained( Bolivia,[Read More...]

The Horn of Africa + Sudan are replacing the Middle East as THE geo-political danger zone

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Arab states spent $130bn to destroy Syria, Libya, Yemen: Algerian PM

Press TV – November 12, 2017 Algerian Prime Minister Ahmed Ouyahia says some regional Arab states have spent $130 billion to obliterate Syria, Libya and Yemen. Ouyahia made the remarks on Saturday at a time when much of the Middle East and North Africa is in turmoil, grappling with different crises, ranging from terrorism and […]