equal pay

Feminism Is Perverting The Rule Of Law In Britain (Part 1)

Almost all Western politicians pay at least lip service to feminist ideology because few if any recognise its toxicity. In Britain especially, the insane dogma of feminism has had a pernicious influence on both social policy and the law.  And it continues to do so.
An in-depth discussion of this matter would take us far afield, so three examples in the public eye will suffice: the contrived gender pay gap, dishonesty about rape, and ongoing attempts to exculpate women convicted of murdering men on the clearest evidence.

Susan Collins Voted Against The Paycheck Fairness Act Again

Maine Republican Susan Collins makes $174,000 a year, along with great retirement and health benefits-- the same as the boys make. And that's the way it should be. But yesterday Collins, a millionaire, joined the Republican Party filibuster seeking to prevent a simple up-or-down vote on Barbara Mikulski's Paycheck Fairness Act, S.2199.