Elizabeth Warren

Elizabeth Warren Apparently Isn't Interested In Becoming Bernie's Vice President

Elizabeth Warren has let her dogs loose on Bernie. In the last week, the PCCC-- which has been respectful of Bernie while they valiantly supported their candidate... even as her campaign started sinking and laying off staff-- has gone into opposition mode against Bernie as though they were dealing with Bloomberg or Trump.

Nevada Caucus-Goers Crown Bernie Sanders, Bury Bloomberg and Warren

The ninth Democratic nationally televised debate between presidential candidates on Wednesday, February 19 proved to be a crucial one; Dramatic confrontations and melt-downs during it could be clearly seen to impact on the outcome of the Nevada state caucuses, which took place only three days later.
Nevada confirmed the main trends that had emerged in New Hampshire and Iowa, Senator Bernie Sanders, championing ideas so radical that President Franklin Roosevelt supported them 80 years ago, came first with an impressive 40.5 percent.

Are Bernie and the Democrat Party just entertainment? [Video]

The 2020 campaign for Presidential nominee in the Democrat Party is very strange. The characteristics are warped, thrown into a quasi-hypnotic level of distortion. At least, that is how it looks from a conservative viewpoint.
The campaign does do one thing very well. It highlights the extremely vivid ideological divide between a culture of common sense and pragmatic conservatism such as it exists with President Trump, and the schizophrenic range of ideologies that all together make up an extremely liberal offering of candidates.

George Zimmerman Files $265-Million Lawsuit Against Elizabeth Warren & Pete Buttigieg

Zimmerman is going after Democrat presidential candidates Pete Buttigieg and Elizabeth Warren for their remarks on Twitter that USA Today said were made “for political gain in misguided and malicious attempts to bolster their standings amongst African-American voters, all at Zimmerman’s expense."

How Elizabeth Warren Still Might Get the DNC’s Presidential Nod

Eric Zuesse
Democratic Party billionaires continue to provide indications that they won’t accept Bernie Sanders to be their Party’s Presidential nominee, and unless Sanders can amass over 50% of the delegate-votes in the Convention’s first-round balloting (which is in doubt), those billionaires (via their agents at the Convention, the DNC’s 700+ superdelegates) will decide whom the nominee will be, and it won’t be Sanders. Whom will it be, then?

How Huffington Post Campaigns for Elizabeth Warren

Eric Zuesse
On Thursday, February 20th, the top headline on the Home Page of the Huffington Post website — a mouthpiece for the Democratic National Committee to reach and persuade a largely young and female progressive Democratic electorate — was “Finally, The Real Elizabeth Warren Steps Up: The gloves came off at the Democratic primary debate in Vegas.” The site’s lead article said:

Oligarch Bloomberg Gets Hammered in His First Democratic Debate

Billionaire oligarch Mike Bloomberg took a beating last night during the Democratic Party debate in Nevada.
While he wasn’t on the ballot for the Democrat Nevada Caucus primary content, the billionaire oligarch and former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg still managed somehow to buy his way on to the national debate stage for the first time Wednesday evening in Las Vegas.

New Hampshire Buries Biden and Warren, Prepare for the Rise of Little Pete

Not all the highly suspicious and flagrant bungling and/or manipulation of the Iowa caucuses – which should be the simplest and smallest of all democratic election procedures to count honestly and efficiently in real time – could save Senator Elizabeth Warren and her dreams of power.
A quarter of a million voters in the little Granite State of New Hampshire put the last nails in her political coffin.