Boiler Room #108 – Who’d Win in a Fight? Boiler Room vs. Hitler vs. Dracula

Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of ‘The Boiler Room’ tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8:00 PM CST | 9:00 PM EST for this special broadcast. Join us for uncensored, uninterruptible talk radio, custom-made for bar fly philosophers, misguided moralists, masochists, street corner evangelists, media-maniacs, savants, political animals and otherwise lovable rascals.

Millimeter Microwaves: ‘Anti-Terror’ Artificial Intelligence Scanning in Public

Pippa King
21st Century Wire
There is a new technology being tested for use on UK civilians en masse on our streets, millimetre microwave scanners.
These electromagnetic radiation scanners, which use Ultra Wide Band (UWB) at 75-110 GHz, are able to be beamed at crowds to detect potential concealed weapons being carried by individuals.

Pétrole, nucléaire et trafic d’armes : entretien avec Nicolas Lambert autour du « Maniement des Larmes », jusqu’au 20 décembre au théâtre du Parquet à Paris

Nous avons eu le plaisir de nous entretenir avec Nicolas Lambert au sujet du « Maniement des Larmes », troisième volet d’une série de pièces consacrées à ce qu’il considère comme les principaux rouages de l’a-démocratie, ou, autrement dit, les mécanismes les moins démocratiques de notre machinerie politique nationale.

RRNews 100: …and we’re back!

The government shutdown is not an anarchist’s dream. If we don’t get the government back to work, they will sell our secrets. And Washington gunman complained of voices being beamed into his head. Links: The Government Shutdown — Hardly an Anarchist Dream Intelligence Boss: If Budget Cut, al-Qaeda Will Get Us Washington Gunman Recently Told […]