
Who Backs Bernie And Who Stands With The Discredited Establishment?

Remember, when Bernie, then an independent caucusing with the Democrats in the House, became disgusted with the Democrats’ turn to the right after the Reagan years, he started the Congressional Progressive Caucus in 1991, which now has 68 members in the House. At one time Nancy Pelosi was a member. Shamefully, only two of the current members have endorsed him, co-chairs Raul Grijalva and Keith Ellison.

The Rebel Alliance Is Real Too?

It seems inconceivable to me that we-- we, like in American progressives-- still haven't succeeded in persuading out fellow Democrats that there is a non-business-as-usual candidate running for president against a much better-known-- and much disliked-- establishment candidate. Bernie is the best candidate for president in my lifetime. Hillary, aside from being a woman, is just more of the same the insiders are always shoving down our throats.

Bernie Trumps Trumpf In Time Person Of The Year Poll-- Also Poll Shows Bernie Is More Electable Than Hillary

This morning, TIME announced that Bernie had won their Man of the Year poll-- and by an extremely large margin. By the time voting ended on Sunday night, he was at 10%, almost double his closest contender, Pakistani girls' education activist Malala Yousafzai (5.2%), and ahead of both Pope Francis (3.7%), who won Person of the Year in 2013, and President Obama (3.5%).

Democrats Are Taking An Unnecessarily Big Risk With Hillary-- And For What?

Hillary has two positive things working in her favor: 1- she's a woman and America is long past do to elect a woman president; and 2- the Republicans are worse than she is. There are no other reasons for a progressive to vote for her and for people who think the lesser-of-two-evils is still evil, the Democrats' strategy will flop badly.