economic meltdown

Junk Bonds Are in Worse Shape than Before Lehman Collapsed

Percentage of S&P junk bonds and leveraged loans considered "distressed" (click to enlarge)by Gaius Publius We know that there will be another economic "big one" like the crisis of 2008. All of the pieces are in place — Wall Street greed and literal pathology, the even greater size of too-big-to-fail institutions, a literal get-out-of-jail free card that almost blesses continued financial fraud, and the like.

Is the world economy headed into the dumper? One thing's sure, says Ian Welsh: Western elites are losing control of the global economic narrative

"[T]here is more pain to come, but there always was. The decision was made in 2008 and 2009 to not allow an actual recovery and to protect the rich at all costs. There was a cost; it has been paid for the last six years, and this is yet and simply another one of those costs.

Pay no attention to the Lying Liars of the Right -- inequality of economic opportunity was NOT always the law of the land

The sainted Ronald Reagan bequeathed Americans the right to revel in their ignorance, bigotry, and savagery even as they were being so carefully lined up in the bent-over position."What [William Lazonick] has uncovered is a shift in corporate conduct that transformed the U.S. economy -- for the worse. From the end of World War II through the late 1970s, he writes, major U.S.

Paul Krugman asks if we should be surprised that "Republican assertions about what ails the economy are pure fantasy"

"I can't think of a time when a party's economic doctrine has been so completely divorced from reality."-- Paul Krugman, in his NYT column today, "Phony Fear Factor"by Ken"So Republican assertions about what ails the economy are pure fantasy," Paul writes in his column, "at odds with all the evidence.