ecological crisis

An Unprecedented Struggle, A Glorious Victory – Looking Ahead

It is a time for rejoicing and celebration. It is a time for thanksgiving. For the victory of the farmers is not just theirs. Theirs was not just a struggle to protect their own livelihoods but also a valiant battle fought for all of us, so that we continue to get our food at affordable … Continue reading An Unprecedented Struggle, A Glorious Victory – Looking Ahead →

Collective Intelligence May Be Humanity’s Best Bet to Stave off an Uninhabitable Planet

The world faces an unprecedented convergence of crises. The ecological crisis, which points to a nearly uninhabitable planet by the end of the century if business-as-usual continues, is perhaps its most apocalyptic dimension. But the ecological crisis is intimately bound up with the business-as-usual political, economic, and cultural structures of industrial civilization-as-we-know it.