
Despite The Long-Term, Well-Planned Op To Destroy America, The Pushback Against The Insanity Is Gaining Strength As Americans Fight Back Using Our Eyes, Ears, Mouths And Wallets

by Jack Gleason, All News Pipeline: How have we gone from America’s low-inflation, high tax revenue, full employment economy, with an expanding middle class, energy independence and rock solid military to the kowtowing disaster of the last two years?  The only possible conclusion is that this is a long-term and well-planned operation to kneecap America.  Accepting that the […]

Cotton Swabs Send 3 Dozen Children to the ER Each Day

Doctors say you should never clean your ears with cotton swabs, but people reach for them anyway to scoop out the wax. According to the authors of a study in the Journal of Pediatrics, using cotton swabs to clean your ears can be dangerous, especially for children. In fact, use of these cotton swabs sends approximately 3 dozen children to the ER every day. [1]
Approximately 12,500 children under the age of 18 are treated in U.S. emergency departments for ear injuries each year, which amounts to about 34 visits per day.

Nearly 1 in 10 Americans Suffer From Constant Ringing in the Ears

A new study, published in JAMA Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, states that as many as 1 in 10 adults in the United States suffer from a constant ringing in their ears – known as tinnitus. This extremely irritating condition can contribute to major disruption in people’s lives with a constant ringing or roaring sound sometime so intense that many people can’t find any relief. It can even be a cause for impairment if it continues to bother sufferers.