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ABC’s Ted Koppel admits mainstream media bias against Trump [Video]

Fox News reported on March 19th that one of America’s most well-known TV news anchors, Ted Koppel, noted that the once-great media outlets like The New York Times and The Washington Post, have indeed traded journalistic excellence for hit pieces for political purposes. While political opinions in the mainstream press are certainly within the purview of any publication, this sort of writing can hardly be classified as “news” but as “Opinion” or more widely known, “Op-Ed.”

Turkey will not let US examine Russian S-400 systems

The Russian S-400 anti ballistic missile defense system is reputedly the most advanced on the planet at this time. Put against the American-made Patriot system, the Russian S-400 Triumf system offers both longer and shorter range intercept capabilities (both very important!) and it is one of the recent Russian-made weapons systems that shows a great deal of sophistication.

Understanding the Holodomor and why Russia says nothing

One of the charges that nationalist Ukrainians often lodge against their Russian neighbors is that the Russian government has never acknowledged or formally apologized to Ukraine for the “Holodomor” that took place in Ukraine in 1932-1933. This was a man-made famine that killed an estimated seven to 10 million Ukrainians , though higher estimates claim 12.5 million and lower ones now claim 3.3 million.

Trump and Putin meet anyway, but future meeting plans on hold

US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin did meet after all, speaking informally for a period of time during the G20 meeting held in Buenos Aires, Argentina over the weekend of Nov 30-Dec 1. However, at the present time, prospects for a more substantive policy meeting between the two leaders look dim, with the Kremlin’s Dmitry Peskov categorically saying that there is no possibility of President Putin going to Washington, D.C. for a meeting, at least not at this time.

Proud Ukrainians take artistic license when it comes to education

A recent article by Ria Novosti brings to light what is being taught in Ukrainian schools. It is nothing short of fantasy, a complete rewrite of history. In much the same way schools in Turkey currently claim that Turks discovered america. A parliamentarian of the Ukraine expresses their amazment at what has been claimed in the book.

Viktor Orbán: Muslim minorities would make it impossible for Christian political parties to win election in Europe

Other than Putin and Salvini, Hungary’s Viktor Orban is the only other leader in Europe who understands the importance of a healthy population. With his encouragement to Hungarians to have more children, while at the same time keeping the invaders out, he is preserving a healthy population for his county that will allow it to still be recognized in a generation from now.
Politico reports

Powered Exoskeletons Development: Which Country Has Greater Success

Powered exoskeletons have been a feature of science fiction for decades. They were perhaps most memorable in Aliens, where Ripley made use of a large industrial exoskeleton to battle one of the aliens. However,what was once a work of pure fiction is now becoming a reality. This technology has been in development for some time, and today a number of regions are investing in the future possibilities, including: