Dr. Steve Turley

Biden Campaign COLLAPSING as RIGGED Polls REVEALED to be FAKE!!!

Joe Biden’s Campaign is indeed COLLAPSING as the RIGGED Polls are REVEALED to be FAKE! In this video, we’re going to look at how Biden is actually struggling to get just 8 people to show up at his campaign rallies, how an analyst has uncovered some pretty shocking manipulation in the polling data, and how literally every single other metric out there is pointing to nothing less than a massive Trump victory in November!

Gun Sales BOOM as Polls Show MAJORITY Fear Post-Election CIVIL WAR!!!

Gun Sales absolutely BOOM as Polls Show a MAJORITY of Americans Fear a Post-Election CIVIL WAR! In this video, we’re going to look at the surge in gun buying that’s been going on over the last few months, how concerns about mass post-election violence are at least in part fueling brand new gun purchases, and what scholars are saying are indeed the chances that we may see a civil war erupt in view of the election’s results; you are not going to want to miss this!

RATINGS for NBA Finals TANK as Woke Athletes Lose OVER HALF their Audience!!!

The RATINGS for the NBA Finals were an ABSOLUTE DISASTER as Woke Athletes Lose OVER HALF their Audience! In this video, we’re going to look at just much the ratings tanked for the finals series opener, why more and more viewers are turning off the NBA and other woke sports outlets, and why the virtue signaling from our pampered millionaires proves once again the age-old adage: Get Woke, Go Broke!

Trump DOMINATES First Debate Against FLEDGLING Biden as Left MELTS DOWN!!!

President Trump absolutely DOMINATED the First Debate Against the FLEDGLING and FRUSTRATED Joe Biden! In this video, we’re going to take a look at some of the polls and opinions that came out of last night’s slugfest, how President Trump utterly overwhelmed and destroyed Biden throughout the entire 90 minutes, and how Sleepy Joe did in fact walk away from the clear and colossal loser in last night’s debate; you are NOT going to want to miss this! 

BLM may be going by the boards after its “summer of love” [Video]

Dr. Steve Turley reports on the ongoing and possibly increasing trend toward a backlash against Black Lives Matter. He gives a lot of examples to show that the far-left organization is losing favor with regular Americans as they tire of the violence and murderous rioting that a supposed “social justice” group has been engaging in.

Ghislaine Maxwell's Friends Predict She Will 'SELL OUT' Bill Clinton as New Revelations EMERGE!!!

Ghislaine Maxwell’s Friends Predict She Will ‘SELL OUT’ Bill Clinton as New BOMBSHELL Revelations EMERGE! In this video, we’re going to take a look at those new bombshell revelations of Clinton’s relationship with Maxwell, how the media appears complicit in covering it up, and how it all appears to be crashing down to earth as Maxwell’s closest confidants say she’s ready to sing! You are not going to want to miss this! 

Trump SURGES to TAKE THE LEAD as Feeble Biden’s Campaign IMPLODES!!!

President Trump SURGES to TAKE THE LEAD as Feeble Biden’s Campaign Begins to IMPLODE! In this video, we’re going to look at the latest polling trends that show President Trump taking the lead over Biden, how the fallout from the riots are utterly crippling Biden’s campaign, and how President Trump looks like he is finally, yes finally beginning to run away with this! You are not going to want to miss this! 

Leftists Accused of STEALING MAGA HAT from 7-Year-Old INDICTED for HATE CRIME!!!

Two Far Left Women Accused of STEALING a MAGA Hat From a 7-year-old Boy have been INDICTED on HATE CRIME Charges! In this video, we’re going to take a look at the charges against these far-left radicals, why leftists believe they’re justified in their acts of hysterical violence, and why even Democrats are starting to turn on the antics of the woke left; you’re not going to want to miss this!