Dr. Lawrence Davidson

Who Is Fighting the War on Terror? – An Analysis by Lawrence Davidson

The goal of destroying al-Qaeda-like organizations is, supposedly, what the “war on terror” is all about. Nonetheless, the U.S. government’s policies in this regard are inconsistent. Does the U.S. want to destroy al-Qaeda and its affiliates or not?

by Dr. Lawrence Davidson

Part I – Varying Goals

A Far Flung Fight for Justice in Palestine – An Analysis by Lawrence Davidson

There is a sense that the Zionist representatives of a people who suffered horribly during World War II have betrayed the moral lessons of that experience by adopting the practice of colonial conquest. At the same time the Zionists impose on the West a skewed picture of the Middle East.

by Dr. Lawrence Davidson
Part I — Spreading Awareness

Changing Alliances and the National Interest in the Middle East – An Analysis by Lawrence Davidson

General Wesley Clark tells of how Middle East destabilization was planned as far back as 1991

By aiding groups like al-Nusra, the Israelis have forfeited any claim on American sympathy (unless, of course, your a U.S. politician who has been captured by the Zionist lobby).


Censorship at Southampton University – An Analysis by Lawrence Davidson

Photo courtesy Redressonline.com

Actually, as long as Israel insists on being “a Jewish state” instead of a democratic state of all its citizens, it must walk the path of apartheid. And, it can only get away with that through successfully maintaining an exceptional status – a status that puts it above international law.


Justice Corrupted – An Analysis by Lawrence Davidson

 The “War on Terror” has likewise created a special circumstance that has liberated Justice Department dogmatists: Islamophobes, Zionists, neoconservatives and others who fancy themselves on a special mission to protect the nation from evil and conspiratorial forces. And, as with the hanging judges before them, the result has been an enhanced possibility not of justice, but rather of the miscarriage of justice.

 by Dr. Lawrence Davidson