Divide and Conquer

Denial and Intolerance: Strange Bedfellows

Todd Hayen Are we expected to live the “positive” life? A life of denial? Are we expected to ignore what the thousands of doctors, scientists, researchers, are saying about the vaccines, the effects of resulting starvation, immune system shutdown, food supply interruption, rampant inflation, fuel shortages, and global upheaval? Are we expected to ignore the …

Charlottesville and the FBI’s Connection to White Supremacists

The so-called alt-right and the New Right are trying to draw a line between themselves and the white supremacist movement as the establishment media continues to conflate the two. On this episode of The Geopolitical Report, we take a look at the possibility the recent political violence in Charlottesville and elsewhere around the nation is being masterminded by the state in Hegelian Dialectic fashion to undermine and discredit both opponents and supporters of President Trump.

From Occupy to Charlottesville & Beyond – Identity Politics, the Gladiatorial Arena & the Balkanisaton of Society…

In the article on the Charlottesville unrest and the broader issues of sectarian rifts and societal breakdown, I wrote about the possible psy-op properties and divide-and-conquer strategy being applied. I also wrote that ‘our hope should be that the majority of people are more intelligent and discerning than that and will refuse to get drawn […]

Newsbud Exclusive- Distracted by Charlottesville as America is Destroyed by an Economic Takedown_

Once again, the establishment media has taken us down a diversionary path. The tragedy of Charlottesville, where two factions of the political spectrum clashed with deadly consequence, has dominated the headlines. President Donald Trump has been trounced for his response while former president Barack Obama is hailed and a tweet he sent out—a regurgitation of a quote by Nelson Mandala—has become the most-liked tweet in Twitter history.

Porkins Policy Radio episode 76 The CIA as Organized Crime with Douglas Valentine

My guest today is the great Douglas Valentine. Doug joins me to discuss his latest book The CIA as Organized Crime. We begin by looking at why Doug decided to write this book and the way in which it is structured. Next we delve into Doug’s relationship with the CIA and how he came to write about it’s inner-workings. Doug talks about his relationship with the agency and how he began getting access to operatives and officials while writing The Phoneix Program, including his meetings with former CIA Director William Colby.