diplomatic row

Russian-American Congress sends open letter to President Trump

As an American living in the Russian Federation, I have the pleasure of having direct interaction with many Russian people from all walks of life. Many are Orthodox Christian believers who love the Church and love their own president, Vladimir Putin, and consider him as a Defender of Orthodox Christianity and Christianity everywhere in the world.
Many others are more jaded in their opinions and share skepticism of both their government and the Church, and still others hate Mr. Putin and don’t understand what the big deal about any religion is about at all.

Moscow plays the game and raises Britain one

Earler this week the British Prime Minister Theresa May fired a shot at the Russian Federation, convicting Russia’s government, especially its president Vladimir Putin of culpability in the assassination attempt of a former Soviet spy and his daughter who was in Britain to visit her father. Sergey and Yulia Skripal remain hospitalized after suffering an attack by a nerve agent determined by British authorities to be Novichok, an agent developed in the Soviet Union.

Comparing the Dutch/Turkish row to the 2014 Ukrainian coup is insulting and wrong

Some have attempted to compare the background to the current Turkish-Dutch diplomatic row to the US, Poland, Sweden and others, funding, orchestrating and encouraging the illegal coup in Kiev in 2014.
The parallels are superficial to the point of a total distortion of recent events.
Here’s why.
1. A foreign rally for a foreign cause