Dianne Feinstein

The Most Criminally-Oriented U.S. "President"-- An Illegitimate One, At That-- Is Being Allowed To Pack The Courts With Rubbish Nominees

Brain Fallon's in his mid-30s and he's been the picture of an up-and-comg establishment Democrat for a decade. Even before he graduated from Harvard, he had worked as a press aide in the doomed 2004 Kerry-Edwards campaign. Two years later he was the press secretary for Bob Menendez's Senate race and then went to work as the spokesman for Chuck Schumer and his Senate Democratic Policy and Communications Center.

Senator Dianne Feinstein’s Personal Driver of 20 Years Was a Chinese Spy

US Senator Dianne Feinstein unwittingly harbored a mole from China's communist government who served her as a driver, office gofer, and even attended Chinese consulate functions on her behalf. She has very close ties to the intelligence community, and there is no telling how much information he gleaned from her over the years. [...]

A Chinese Spy Worked in Senator Dianne Feinstein’s Office for Twenty Years

(ZHE) — We can only imagine the twenty-four hour media blitz that would be unleashed if this had happened with the Trump campaign, or on anyone’s staff even remotely associated with President Trump past or present. But when the story first broke in the middle of this week of a mole working on behalf of the Chinese government on a powerful Democrat Senate Intelligence […]

Turning The California Senate Seat From Purple To Blue

Thursday, A Progressive California, an independent PAC, aired its first television ad in support of Kevin de León for U.S. Senate. I watched it being played between segments on Chris Hayes' show and thought it was really great. Take a look above.With the help of their new coalition partners at the California Nurses Association and National Nurses United, the new TV ad, titled "Act Like Democrats," is airing all across Los Angeles on MSNBC and CNN.

It’s Time to End America’s Shameful Role in ‘Worst Humanitarian Crisis on the Planet’

(COMMONDREAMS) — Anti-war groups on Friday are urging their supporters to pick up the phone to tell U.S. senators to back a joint resolution to “end America’s shameful role in Yemen.” Angry that your tax dollars are causing the worst humanitarian crisis on the planet? CALL your senators to support #SandersLeeYemen #SJRes54 today and end America’s role […]

Democrats: US Should ‘Urgently Engage With Russia’ to Avoid Nuclear Conflict

(ZHE) — During a routine Congressional hearing on Wednesday, US military leaders publicly admonished Russian President Vladimir Putin for unveiling six powerful new weapons during his annual address to lawmakers, including what’s believed to be a modified Iskander ballistic missile capable of defeating US and NATO anti-ballistic missile systems. Using Putin’s escalation as one more justification for asking that all of […]