Dialectical Materialism

Marxism’s Dialectical Materialism: Mystery Religion of the Revolutionary Faith (Half) – Jay Dyer

Today I will discuss the religious background to Marxism and how it functions as a religious movement, with an actual esoteric background and presupposition – magical materialism and process philosophy. We will look at how dialectical materialism and praxis are crucial to understanding the global elite philosophy – it is not a real opposition to […]

Dialectical Materialism

  The term Dialectical Materialism was not used by Marx himself but by subsequent Marxists to delineate the synthesis of Marx’s critiques of Hegel’s Dialectics, which he called idealist and Feuerbach’s materialism, which he called mechanical or metaphysical. For the first time the term Dialectical Materialism was used by Plekhanov in 1891.Five years after Marx’s death Engels expressed his and Marx’s[Read More...]