Operation Warp Speed is Using a CIA-Linked Contractor to Keep Covid-19 Vaccine Contracts Secret

$6 billion in Covid-19 vaccine contracts awarded by Operation Warp Speed have been doled out by a secretive government contractor with deep ties to the CIA and DHS, escaping regulatory scrutiny and beyond the reach of FOIA requests. Last Tuesday, while most Americans were distracted by the first US presidential debate, NPR quietly reported that Read More...

Your “Organic” Milk may be Produced with Non-Organic Ingredients

DHA Milk made by Horizon, one of the largest organic brands in the U.S., isn’t nearly as “natural” as the company advertises it to be, according to an investigation by The Washington Post. It contains a type of algae, Schizochytrium, which is fed corn syrup. Corn is the #1 crop grown in the United States, and nearly all of it is genetically modified.

Are Omega-3 Fatty Acids the Key to Preventing Most Disease?

Well, in a way, omega-3-fats could be ‘the new cholesterol.’ It seems as though we hear about omega-3 fats and their apparently never-ending list of benefits so much that many people just roll their eyes whenever they’re mentioned. But some health experts, like Dr William Harris, will freely talk about them as if they are the holy grail of health.

Study: How to Turn Fat-Storing Cells into Fat-Burning Cells

Losing weight is often associated with eating less of certain foods, but a relatively recent study shows that people who add more omega-3s to their diet may shed more calories.
Researchers in Japan found that oil rich in omega-3 fatty acids turned “bad” fat cells into healthy ones that burn calories. That’s great news for people who are in their 40s and older, as “good” fat cells start to decrease around middle-age.

This Vitamin is Vital for Preserving Brain Health

Around 90% of people aren’t getting enough of an important nutrient that could prevent Alzheimer’s and other degenerative neurological diseases. It is an easy vitamin to get if you are eating the right foods, and of course you can supplement, but many people don’t realize how simple and effective it can be for treating brain disease.