Deutsche Bank

Angela Merkel sinks German economy, hands over control of EU to Macron (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss Angela Merkel’s sinking of the German economy, as her tenure as Chancellor has isolated Germany from its traditional allies and powerful trading partners.
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German Deutsche Bank implodes on the back of failed Merkel economic policy (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss Deutsche Bank’s 18,000 job cuts by 2022, as part of a sweeping overhaul at the ailing German bank, which is transitioning out of high-risk investment banking.
Deutsche Bank staff from Australia, Asia and the United States were notified of the massive lay-offs as they arrived for work, and were later photographed leaving their offices with large envelopes and boxes of their belongings.

Porkins Policy Radio 179 New 9/11 warnings unearthed and Russiagate revelations with Jon Gold

This week research Jon Gold joined me to talk about some of recent revelations regarding the 9/11 coverup. We started off with some breaking news out of Guantanamo regarding the trial of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and others, and alleged recordings of them speaking about the 9/11 attacks months before they happened. Jon and I discussed the significance of these recordings and why they have been hidden from the public and defense lawyers at the military tribunal.