deep state coup

Biden crosses the “red line” in terms of US – Russia relations [Video]

To the European observer or the American observer, Joe Biden would likely be seen as the answer to the “uncertainty” brought into US – European relations that President Trump brought. That “uncertainty” is really nothing of the kind: President Trump wanted great relations with the allied nations in Western Europe as well as the new NATO […]

The conclusion of Russiagate, Part II – news fatigue across America

Presently there is a media blitz on across the American news media networks. As was the case with the Russiagate investigation while it was ongoing, the conclusions have merely given rise to a rather unpleasant afterbirth in some ways as all the parties involve pivot their narratives. The conclusion of Russiagate appears to be heavily covered, yet if statistics here at The Duran are any indication, there is a good possibility that the public is absolutely fatigued over this situation.
And, perhaps, folks, that is by design.

Daily Kos Founder Tells Readers – ‘Be Happy for Coal Miners Losing Their Health Insurance’

On Monday, Markos “kos” Moulitsas, founder of the highly trafficked Daily Kos website penned an article that many have found deeply offensive titled, Be Happy for Coal Miners Losing Their Health Insurance. They’re Getting Exactly What They Voted for. Here’s some of what he wrote: