David Keith

Is Paul Ryan Leaving Congress?

I'm looking at internal polling and results of focus groups and there just is no way Ryan can run in WI-01 in 2018. This district is about 30% Republican and 30% Democrat and 40% independent. In the last few elections the independents have come down-- slightly-- on the GOP side. That isn't how they feel now. They don't like Trump and they see Ryan as an enabler. Huge numbers of them are closed to even listening to his message. If Ryan wants to run for president some day-- and he does-- he can't be beaten in his home district by a union iron worker.

Want To Know Which Democrats NOT To Vote For In Primaries-- The Blue Dogs And New Dems Have Lists

Elizabeth Warren endorsed Katie Porter, who is very much NOT a New DemLast week, we looked at the Blue Dogs' first list of 2018 endorsed candidates. These will be the worst of the worst-- and yesterday the New Dems, who, with the Blue Dogs make up most of the Republican wing of the Democratic Party, released their own list.

Why Jimmy Gomez's Victory In CA-34 Was A BFD

Tuesday night Jimmy Gomez became the first Democrat to win a House seat since Trump was elected president. He won pretty overwhelmingly-- 60-40%-- in a deep blue Los Angeles district. Generally Republicans don't even try in districts like CA-34. The jungle primary, in fact, resulted in 2 candidates with "D" next to their names facing off this week in the general election.

Geoengineering and ‘Chemtrails’ Are Described in Mainstream Media As Highly Dangerous But Necessary To Combat Global Warming

Mainstream media is presenting geoengineering and ‘chemtrails’ as potentially disastrous to the Earth, but that the risk is warranted in order to combat global warming. The intended message of that statement is that, it makes no difference if the sky is sprayed or not. In either case, we already are in a test – so relax and be grateful for chemtrails. [...]