David Gornoski

MP3 Duncan Lemp Killing and Coverup on Tampa Radio

Duncan Lemp, 2019
Radio host David Gornoski and I discussed the Duncan Lemp killing and coverup on his show yesterday on Newstalk Florida 1040 AM in Tampa Bay.  David had excellent questions on how the Montgomery County Police could launch a fatal 4:30 a.m. attack on a peaceful home and thus far avoid answering any questions or disclosing any evidence more than 7 weeks later.

MP3 FDA Debacles and Press Pratfalls – Florida Radio with David Gornoski

David Gornoski, a pro-freedom radio host and writer in Orlando, and I had fun smacking the FDA around on his “Neighbor’s Choice” show Wednesday night on IHEARTRADIO WFLA 93.1 FM, 94.1 FM, and 540 AM on NewsRadio Orlando.  David brings plenty of skepticism to anything the government does and that is very timely for the coronavirus pandemic.