David Corn

Cornel West Runs for President: You Can’t Be a Spoiler if the System Is Already Rotten

Under the less than inspiring implicit slogan of “You’re Stuck with Biden,” the Democratic Party has foregone presidential primary debates this election season. Not even bothering with the pretense of democratic people’s choice, naked bourgeois rule is offered to their captured constituencies. Joe Biden’s approval rating has sunk to a dismal 40.5%. USA Today asks: […]

What Is Matt Gaetz's Role In The Republican Party Human Sex Slave Trafficking Market In Florida

Who will Saturday Night Live cast to play Li Yang? The Chinese-born pimp is already more famous than Schenectady-born presidential candidate, Obama's former Presidential Ambassador for Global Entrepreneurshi, Andrew Yang. She appears to be the new Jeffrey Epstein, whore monger to the Trumpist elite. As well as someone who has been helping to illegally funnel money from wealthy businessmen from China into Trump's campaign coffers.

Republican Strategists Are Beginning To Realize Hillary Isn't Being Embraced By Democratic Voters

Last week, writing for The Intercept, Lee Fang reported that the Clinton campaign is stuffed full of advisors and fundraisers who were lobbyists working to kill Obamacare and Dodd-Frank. That's the Clinton Machine, her team and her allies-- corrupt lobbyists working against progressive values on every level.

President Rand Paul? ROTFLMAO

It's no secret that Blue America is as excited about the Shenna Bellows race in Maine this cycle, as we were about the Elizabeth Warren race in Massachusetts last cycle. The two women are different in many ways, of course, but both are strong, independent-minded, brilliant and focused on breaking through the same-ole/same-ole that has made Washington so utterly dysfunctional.