David Brooks

Are The Republicans Ready To Just Call It Quits And Let Trumpcare Die A Quick Death?

On Thursday Bernie Sanders was on CNN with Wolf Blitzer for a wide-ranging interview and you can watch it in it's entirety above. I just want to focus on one question-- which you'll notice Bernie bringing up on his own-- the Ryan-Pence-Price repeal of Obamacare to replace it with some shitty non-starter called Trumpcare.

We Still Have Freedom Of Speech And A Free Press... Right? Will We A Couple Of Years From Now?

Are you mad at people who voted for Trump? Do you know any? Would you like to see them all forced to go back to second grade and start all over again, like Keith Olbermann suggested? How about killed? Too rough? How about deprived of the right to own a gun? Deprived of their right to vote again until they pass a series of courses in civics and history?Nixon was elected in November, 1968. I was mortified, not just by his policies and agenda, but by the man.

Turning The Presidential Race Into An Open-Pit Sewer... That's The Donald

The other day, anti-Trump Republican David Brooks wrote, of the debate, that Hillary "behaved in the normal manner on Sunday night. But Donald Trump did not. Trump treated his questioners as unrelatable automatons and delivered his answers to the void, even when he had the chance to seem sympathetic to an appealing young Islamic woman.

An Intertextual Excoriation of David Brooks’ March 18 NYT Op-Ed: “No, Not Trump, Not Ever”

David Brooks’ recent Op-Ed is a flaccid and flailing attempt to denigrate democracy without denigrating democracy. The ghost of Eddie Bernays’ circular sophistry permeates this snoot-fest like a cheap uninterrogated suit. We recall Mr. Ed in one of his more breathtaking loopty-loops:
“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society.”–from Propaganda 
The impudence!

Will Kasich Try To Steal The Ability To Steal The GOP Nomination From Paul Ryan? Multi-Dimensional GOP Riots?

Do you remember the crackpot-- "I'm not a witch"-- teabagger Christine O'Donnell from Delaware? She has no illusions about stopping Trump but indicated to CNN's Brooke Baldwin that the Democrats' conservative establishment pick might be a better option than Trump. "Clinton, if you look at some of her policies, she's a moderate. She's not a far-left liberal... I don't know what I would do if Trump became the nominee...