Dalit Muslim Reservation

Proportional Representation is the only way to resolve our reservation crisis

Though IIT Kharagpur teacher Seema Singh has apologised for her abusive remarks against the students of SC-ST-OBCs in an online class, the matter does not end here. When the video of her abusive class went viral, I thought whether she was a teacher at the prestigious institution or an old caste prejudiced head master in some nondescript part of the[Read More...]

Dalit Christians and Dalit Muslims await justice: 70 Years of Discrimination based on Religion

Dalit Christians and Dalit Muslims observe August 10th across the country as a day to highlight and protest the denial of the fundamental constitutional rights to them for the last seventy years! When India became a Republic, we resolved as a nation to secure Justice, Equality, Liberty and Dignity for all our citizens. Members of castes worst affected from centuries[Read More...]