Cynthia McKinney

The Confederate Battle Flag Is a Symbol of Hate

Some neighbors in our predominantly white western rural Massachusetts town of Williamsburg have hoisted the confederate battle flag up their flag pole and displayed it on the wall of their business.  Why would some Yankee from rural western Massachusetts choose to fly this symbol of divisiveness and hatred?  And why now, after it has been further tarnished by the egregious hate crimes committed in South Carolina and the resurgence of church burnings in the southern United States?

Four Years of Syrian Resistance to Imperialist Takeover

U.S. efforts to overturn the government of Syria have now extended into a fifth year. It is increasingly clear that thousands of predictions reported in the corporate media by Western politicians, think tanks, diplomats and generals of a quick overturn and easy destruction of Syrian sovereignty have been overly optimistic, imperialist dreams. But four years of sabotage, bombings, assassinations and a mercenary invasion of more than 20,000 fighters recruited from over 60 countries have spread great ruin and loss of life.

Ending the “Passionate Attachment”

In his farewell address in 1796, George Washington warned the nation he had served as its first president against a “passionate attachment” or “inveterate hatred” toward any nation. Some Americans were impassioned about revolutionary France. Within a few years, agents of foreign minister Talleyrand would boast to American diplomats of French power within the United States, and demand large bribes and loans to advance relations.

US-NATO War Crimes against Libya

All the wars and attacks, which were started by the U.S. and its so-called allies in the wake of 9/11, have wreaked havoc. You name it, you got it: Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, and perhaps even Iran. The Islamic Republic is not yet off the hook. There are strong forces in the U.S. and in the Middle East that prefer war to peace at the expense of the U.S. Right now, there is a war going on in Libya against the Western installed puppet government, without notice of the corporate media.

Cynthia McKinney on 911 – Zionist Controlled Media – Congress & Syria – Truth!

 Cynthia McKinney on 911 -  Zionist Controlled Media – Congress & Syria -

Cynthia McKinney, peace activist and former U.S. Congresswoman, presents to the “9/11 Revisted: Seeking the Truth” conference in Kuala Lumpur on November 19, 2012. Also addressing the current turmoil in Syria and greater middle east. Please do take a minute and LIKE & SHARE this with everyone. This information needs to spread. Cynthia is a true leader.