Cultural Marxist

Culture Wars: What is ‘The Successor Ideology’?

From the Manhattan Institute
What do young progressives believe? In the popular vernacular, they are described as “liberals” or “leftists,” but these familiar labels obscure what is novel about the ideology many young activists are trying to advance in our universities, cultural institutions, media outlets, and even corporations. On issues of race, diversity, gender, and sexual expression these activists have made a clean break with their liberal forebearers.

Exposing Faux Capitalism with Jason Erb: April 25, 2015

On the April 25, 2015 episode of Exposing Faux Capitalism, I covered the following issues: Non-existent gender wage gap when correcting for voluntary and natural differences, Toronto’s first Black police chief says it doesn’t mean he has superpowers, latest Jan Helfeld debate with anarchist and Just for Laughs show reveals cultural Marxist mindset.