Crédit Agricole

Spéculateurs de la faim : comment les denrées alimentaires sont devenues des produits financiers

Les trois hommes responsables de la dérégulation du marché des matières premières en 1999 : Robert Rubin, alors secrétaire au trésor (devenu co-président de Goldman Sachs), Alan Greenspan, président de la réserve fédérale, et Larry Summers, successeur de Rubin au trésor (devenu président de l’université de Harvard puis conseiller de Barack Obama)

The Dangerous Liaisons of French Banks with the Israeli Occupation

CounterPunch News Service | April 6, 2017 Executive Summary While the year 2017 marks the 50th anniversary of the Israeli occupation in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, the Israeli government’s colonization project in the West Bank and East Jerusalem has accelerated dramatically. The very existence of Israeli settlements is illegal under international law. It is accompanied […]

Washington Forces France to Pay $800Mln for Violation of US Sanctions

Sputnik – 20.10.2015 French bank Credit Agricole was accused by Washington of dealing with countries under US embargo and processing financial transactions for Sudan, Cuba and Iran through the United States. Several bank employees responsible for the transactions have already been fired, media reported. The bank agreed to pay $800 million in fines for the […]

Washington Forces France to Pay $800Mln for Violation of US Sanctions

Sputnik – 20.10.2015 French bank Credit Agricole was accused by Washington of dealing with countries under US embargo and processing financial transactions for Sudan, Cuba and Iran through the United States. Several bank employees responsible for the transactions have already been fired, media reported. The bank agreed to pay $800 million in fines for the […]