
Three Studies From South Korea Show Alarming Rise in Medical Conditions After Covid Vaccination

Three new studies from South Korea have found an alarming rise in medical conditions following Covid vaccination of a wide variety of types: inflammatory conditions, immune conditions and blood disorders.
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The ‘Narrative’ Asks You to Believe that Global Deaths Would Have Been 40% Higher Without the Vaccines

The Lancet's analysis implies that without the Covid vaccines global deaths in 2021 would have been 40% higher than normal – a higher mortality rate than World War Two or the great famine of China. This is absurd.
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Blueprint for Creating Engineered SARS Coronavirus From 2018 Makes Lab Origin “Almost Certain”, Say Experts

A newly-uncovered collection of documents detailing plans by U.S. researchers to create a Covid-like virus in the U.S. and China months before the pandemic make a lab origin "almost certain", experts say.
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“Vaccelerate!”: German-EU Programme Aims to Facilitate Fast-Vax For “Next Pandemic”

Already missing the COVID-19 pandemic? Well, fear not. The German-EU 'Vaccelerate' programme is already on the look-out for the next virus and is all set to speed the vaccine through the clinical trials.
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