COVID-19 Hysteria

London: Buses Changed from Red to Black to Instill Fear over Alleged Rise in Covid-19 ‘Cases’

The bus visits locations such as supermarkets where there is high footfall. Some of the messages from the bus include: "Numbers of new cases are now rising steeply;" "2 to 3 people are dying of Covid in Redbridge every day;" and "Protect yourselves and your loved ones - avoid mixing indoors with other households."

The 2020 Seasonal Flu Has Dropped by 98% Worldwide as It Is Re-labeled Covid-19

San Diego County gets over 17,000 cases of influenza each year, but this year only 36 cases of the flu have been reported. It is clear from this that the common seasonal flu merely is being called Covid-19. The fraudulent increase in Covid 'cases' has led to mass hysteria, lockdowns, masks, and economic collapse.

Despite Media Announcements to the Contrary, Hospitals Have Ample Capacity for COVID-19 Patients. In Fact, They Are Almost Empty

In 2020, millions of dollars were invested in new medical facilities for the anticipated onslaught of COVID-19 patients that never materialized. Most of these facilities have been closed. For example, Chicago spent $120 million on four facilities that only treated 38 patients.

Chief Science Officer for Pfizer Says Second Wave Was Faked on False-Positive COVID Tests, and that the “Pandemic Is Over”

Charts based on European CDC data show the disparity between the number of claimed COVID cases compared COVID death rates make it obvious that politicians, health officials and the media are lying about COVID being an emergency that requires lockdowns and other tyrannical policies.