
‘Wolves of Wall Street in a Trumpster Paradise’ – By Dr. Leon Tressell…

 I recently spoke with Dr Leon Tressell, a historian of geopolitics and expert on the ‘bankster crime wave’. Instead of trying to summarise or repackage his material, I’ve decided – with his full permission – to fully reproduce the text of an article he recently published for SouthFront; it includes his interview with Helen Chaitman about the biggest […]

Serial Killers, Punk Music, LSD & MK ULTRA: Nino with Jay Dyer (Half)

This is the first half of a free talk which can be obtained by subscribing to JaysAnalysis at the PayPal links below. Co-researcher with John Adams on the history of the counter-culture 60s and later punk scene, Nino joins me to discuss the strange connections of so many prominent punkers with the establishment. William S. Burroughs, Tavistock & Tim Leary and the CIA-LSD crew all coalesce to tell a strange tale of serial killers, MK ULTRA, Crowleyanism, cultural cannibal marxism and the transgender agenda – and much more!

TRUMP’S White House In-Waiting, Part I: Corporate Strike Back & the Coup of the 1%…

Now that the electoral college has has confirmed Trump’s presidency and his inauguration approaches, I wanted to address the shape of the incoming Trump administration, the dangers, the sensibilities. And why there is legitimate, palpable reason for concern and anxiety that isn’t anything to do with being ‘liberal elite’ or ‘lib-tard’ or whatever dumb labels anti-progressives […]