Coronary Heart Disease

Preventing Calcification and Heart Attacks: Ivor and Cardiologist Joel Kahn

Short one today guys, as I again find common ground with one of America’s top Vegan cardiologists – Dr. Joel Kahn. Here we discuss the prevention of vascular calcification, and what you can do beyond diet and lifestyle to avoid a heart attack. It’s a bit salesy as we do discuss a product I helped … Preventing Calcification and Heart Attacks: Ivor and Cardiologist Joel Kahn Read More »

New Blood Test Can Predict a Heart Attack Within 5 Years

Researchers from Imperial College London and University College London have found that “high levels of antibodies – molecules produced by the immune system – are linked to a low risk of heart problems,” even in people who have other risk factors. The team has developed a new test that looks for levels of protective immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies, which appear to guard against a heart attack even when a patient has hypertension and high cholesterol.

Your Heart is Probably Safe from Cholesterol and Eggs

Eat up, people. Another new analysis shows that diet high in cholesterol probably won’t give you a heart attack. Neither will a diet rich in eggs. Researchers from the University of Eastern Finland found eating a boatload of eggs and globs of cholesterol don’t raise risk of heart disease, even in individuals genetically predisposed.