conspiracy theorists

Porkins Policy Radio episode 137 Sirhan or The Hallucinatory Vanguard with Joseph Flatley

Journalist and filmmaker Joseph L Flatley joins me this week to discuss his novel Sirhan or The Hallucinatory Vanguard. We start off by talking about the sort of work that Joseph focuses on and why he decided to write his first novel. Joseph and I begin by discussing the books unique structure that periodically jumps 30 into the future and features a general at a conspiracy conference talking about the events depicted in the book.

DisInfoWars with Tom Secker: Is David Shayler a Fake Whistleblower?

David Shayler is possibly the most famous security service whistleblower in British history. He has also claimed to be the Messiah. In this episode I delve into Shayler's story and his influence on the 9/11 and 7/7 truth movements, where he has always advocated the most lunatic, tabloid versions of events. I ask if his behavior has been designed to make conspiracy theorists and whistleblowers look crazy, and going deeper than that whether he was some sort of test to see how much the truth movement would tolerate.

Conspiracy Theorists and Alternative Media Journalists now being called a “Clear and Present Danger”

The Plots to Destroy America: Conspiracy Theories Are a Clear and Present Danger This March saw the release of “cognitive infiltration” advocate Cass Sunstein’s new book, Conspiracy Theories and Other Dangerous Ideas. In April, the confirmed federal intelligence-gathering arm, Southern…Read more →

Conspiracy Theorists Are the Greatest Challenge to Democracy … According to … Here’s who …

Have you ever come across an imperialist who was keen on activists challenging the establishment?
British establishment mouthpiece BBC leads the way again. This time it is about the biggest threat to democracy today. No, it is not terrorists. No, it is not Islamism. And, no, it is not the Western-Installed Dictator Regimes around the world. No, no, no, no, no. The new enemy is the conspiracy theorists. It is those who question their governments. It is those who find facts and confront the mainstream lies and liars such as BBC. Basically, it is you … and me.