coconut oil

No, Coconut Oil is NOT Unhealthy

If you read the mainstream health news for whatever reason, by now you would have seen the USA Today article advising Americans to stop using coconut oil and replace it with omega-6 rich vegetable oils. Of course, for this article to be true, it must be assumed that saturated fat is the enemy and inflammation isn’t the key driver of health problems such as cardiovascular disease.

Try This Easy Homemade Sleep Remedy With Just 4 Ingredients

We’ve talked a lot about how important it is to get your sleep at Natural Society. It helps to regulate hormones, lower stress, and even staves off obesity and the diseases that are associated with it. Instead of heading to the pharmacy to take an over-the-counter sleep med that may be harmful to your health, try this simple, 4-ingredient home-made sleep remedy.

4 Powerful Ways to Optimize Your Morning Routine That Work

Your morning routine can drastically alter the rest of your day, from your digestive health to your state of mind. Over the years, I’ve developed a number of strategies to enhance the health-promoting aspects of my morning routine while also helping to get into a proper state of mind.
Let’s get right into the 4 powerful ways to optimize your morning routine and supercharge your day:

Research Discovers This Degenerative Disease to Develop in 20’s

Until now, the development of Alzheimer’s was only thought to begin in late age, where proteins known as amyloid plaques begin to develop in the brain. But recent research suggests that the development of this brain-destructive disease may start in our early 20’s – finding that these proteins start to accumulate around this time.

How to Use Coconut Oil for Perfect Hair and Skin

In India, hair is traditionally seen as a sign of strength and beauty, which is why many people of the Sikh faith leave at least part of their hair uncut. However, unlike in the West, the hair and scalp are oiled first before washing in India. This simple, inexpensive treatment just involves massaging 1-2 tablespoons of coconut oil (it can be diluted) into the scalp and through the hair, which is then left for an hour or even overnight.

Is This Cooking Mistake Causing Premature Aging?

The fat you choose to use in cooking can make the difference between a meal that supports health and a meal that throws off free radicals (thought to be a primary cause of the degeneration we refer to as aging). The higher the cooking heat, the more likely you are to be bombarded with free radicals, set off by breaks in fatty acid chains. There are only a few fats that can defy oxidation and its cousin, rancidity. What’s the determining factor? It’s the stability of the fatty acid chain.