
The most dangerous thing about Coronavirus is the news about it [Video]

Over the last ten days, I have been watching and reading the news from the US on the coronavirus spike of late, trying to find any sensible pattern or reasoning behind it. Since I live in Moscow, where we are down to a daily reported new infection rate in the 500’s to 600’s, life has largely returned to normal, but the news from the United States appears to scream of a “second wave” that will be far worse than the first one.

Spiritual Warfare & Historical Theology – Jay Dyer on Robyn Riley Rebel Podcast

Popular YouTuber Robyn Riley invited me on her channel to discuss Orthodoxy, how it contrasts with Roman Catholicism, philosophy, the weirdness of Hollywood, and more!  We cover Vatican I as contrasted with the canons of the ancient ecumenical councils, the nature of liturgical worship, the power of the demonic in the world of Roman Catholicism and the geopolitical corruption of the papacy.

City of Toronto bans Holy Communion in Churches [Video]

There are two things that the priest in this video said that were correct. One was, “we are not worthy to receive Holy Communion.” That is a statement every single Orthodox Christian can agree with. But it is different when we say it and hopefully mean what we say, that we may be grateful to the Lord for allowing us to receive it anyway. But not so in this church in Toronto. Here, by order of the city, the church had to not give Holy Communion. The presiding priest is clearly heartbroken:

Faith-Based Morality Endangers Us All

Eric Zuesse
The moral problem is called by philosophers the ethical problem, but it’s the same thing, and it is interpersonal on the micro level, and more broadly societal — including national and even international — on the macro level. The two levels (micro and macro) constantly interact with one-another, but the biggest ethical (moral) issues are on the macro level, and they are downplayed or even ignored altogether in most traditional sources of ‘authority’ regarding what is right and what is wrong.

Apostasy: Fauci advises Christians NOT to receive Communion [Video]

On May 28th, we reported on how the Orthodox Church in the United States appears to have forsaken faith in Christ for fear of COVID-19. This situation is of course, not limited to Orthodoxy, as almost every church congregation throughout the land has acquiesced to the “experts” who insist that this virus is somehow more powerful than God, or are at least distracted by the secularist gosepl: “nothing is more important than your health” and its underlying premise: “there is no life beyond this one. No resurrection.

America reopens as common sense – and anger – begin to defeat COVID paranoia [Video]

Finally, the long hell of imposed self-isolation is breaking – at least in much of the United States. America reopens now. The self-isolation period – a very unhealthy period, physically as well as psychologically – is being shown to have been a producer of the damage and death during its imposition, but even more now. We present Tucker Carlson’s assessment first:

Tucker Carlson brings some of the most interesting and significant questions up in this clip:

COVID Church closures Part II – In light of Christian history

In part I of this series, we began to examine the present issue of Church closures in the West – Europe and the United States in particular, in response to the coronavirus pandemic and its accompanying illness, COVID-19. We tried to detach the hysteria and hype from this, and rather than make it a screed about the intrusion of the Dark Side upon the religious Christian right, we wanted to test current events against the following questions: