
Matt Fradd, Filioque & More – Open Forum Debate / Q n A – Roman Catholics

 Tonight is another open forum before the interview with James Fox Higgins! Questions will come from discord but preference will be given to Streamlabs questions. I end up answering a couple questions about Matt Fradd, the Filioque and eternal manifestation. Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in the Purchase Membership section to access the archives of videos and […]

California Judge Allows Strip Clubs to Open, Citing First Amendment – Churches Remain Shuttered

A California judge ruled that the state cannot take any action to prevent strip clubs from “being allowed to provide live adult entertainment." At the same time, churches in California have been locked in legal struggles for months as churches of different denominations seek to end the limitations on indoor services.

For those who think President Trump is not Christian: watch this. [Video]

This is one of the reasons why there is so much vitriol being dumped out all over President Trump from the Left, the Democrats, Black Lives Matter, Antifa, Barack Obama, Hillary Rodham Clinton and her husband and so many more. They do not like it when someone walks the walk with regard to Christianity. It is far more convenient to have someone who “goes to church” but doesn’t do what God wants of them. VP Joe Biden and his wife are involved in such a playact, and so are Kamala Harris and her husband. We have noted this before but it needs to be pointed out again and again and again.

Mystical Theology – Jay Dyer + COTEL (Half)

COTEL joins me to cover Lossky’s classic book introducing Orthodox theology.  We cover the first half of the book highlighting the contrast with western trends and note how Lossky in accord with Fr Staniloae, Meyendorff, Fr Florovksy and Larchet, being faithful to St. Gregory Palamas and the Pillars of Orthodoxy. We cover the logoi and the imossibility of melding Palamas with Aquinas. His channel is here.

A different story: how Russia is handling the Coronavirus pandemic [Video]

With all the crazy shifting narratives in American news about Coronvirus – the availability of treatments, the effectiveness of masks, the ineffectiveness of masks, the persecution of Christians who want to go to Church and pray and receive Holy Communion, the comparative safety of riots and attacking people, statues and buildings who are deemed “racist” by historically ignorant overgrown teenagers who are too stoned to think straight…
Well, you get the idea.