Chuck Todd

Peak stupidity hits MSNBC’s Chuck Todd: Pipe bombs “could be some Russian operation” (Video)

Who better to push out the dumbest of ‘Russia did it’ narratives than NBC’s Meet the Press Chuck Todd.
It took a whole 24 hours to finally get someone willing enough to look like a fool on national television, and say Russia may be behind the pipe bombs being sent out to anti-Trump globalist politicians, actors and intelligence Deep State shills.
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MSNBC’s Chuck Todd Fears Russia May Be Behind Bomb Scare

Sputnik – 26.10.2018 The FBI and other agencies are continuing to hunt for the person or people responsible for shipping a number of explosive devices to prominent Democrats beginning with billionaire financier George Soros on Monday and most recently Hollywood actor Robert De Niro on Thursday. As should be expected, while the FBI and other […]

The Democrats Have A Not So Secret Weapon For The Midterms: Señor Trumpanzee

Do Americans like being lied to? Over a third apparently don't mind-- or are incapable of discerning a consistent pattern of lying-- when the liar is the authoritarian daddy-figure they craze. When the Washington Post first started their project to measure how many lies Trump tells per day, "he averaged 4.9 claims a day.

The Trump/Ryan Tax Cuts For The Rich Take From The Middle Class

Zero Humility by Nancy OhanianBefore Trumpanzee started demanding Ryan call his tax bill, "The Cut Cut Cut Act," Chuck Todd had reported that House Republicans were facing a major disadvantage with their tax plan, even before they delayed the rollout of their bill until today, namely that "their plan starts out underwater, according to

John McCain tells NBC, ‘I hope the Washington establishment sucked Trump in’ (Video)

With tensions in North Korea pushing the US towards conflict, John McCain took to Meet the Press to help nudge Trump towards war.
Much of the interview focuses on the Korean peninsula, but McCain did find a minute to discuss how his ISIS army must defeat secular Assad, and raise the black flag (McCain has worked so hard to cultivate), over Damascus.
The best part of the interview comes in minute 5 when McCain expresses his sincere joy in the fact that Trump is being swallowed up by the DC establishment.

“The mainstream news media is full of sh**” when it comes to Trump/Russia story – Jimmy Dore

It does not take much brainpower to understand that the Trump/Russia story is a complete fairytale dreamt up by Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and the military industrial complex masters.
The great part about the ridiculous lack of logic employed by the liberal left, to try and make Trump appear to be a Kremlin stooge, is that you end up having progressive analysts/comedians like Jimmy Dore come out blasting “liberal left” Democrats and mainstream media pundits for their complete stupidity.