Christopher Steele

Yates And Feinstein Lie To The World Blaming Vladimir Putin For Anti-Trump Witch-Hunt

Sally Yates testified by video-link. She was interrogated vigorously by Lindsay Graham with the odious Dianne Feinstein parroting all the rubbish we have heard before about Russian interference.
The entire, three hour plus meeting was streamed by Fox Business and can be found at this link.
Graham began by giving Yates the opportunity to come clean by suggesting she had been kept in the dark by President Obama, but she showed where her loyalties lie.

The British Government Report On “Russia” — Review (Part 2)

When Russia in the guise of the Soviet Union was a real threat to our interests, people who attempted to expose and neutralise it were accused of paranoia, seeing “reds under the bed”. Now we are told there is a very real Russian threat, including bots and trolls to influence the political process. While the British Government uses the Guardian and other mainstream newspapers!

The British Government Report On “Russia” — Review (Part 1)

This document which was released July 21, 2020, has no proper name, and although not technically a White Paper is as good as. It can be downloaded from the official website and also from the Internet Archive. Usually, official documents have something to say, and back this up with evidence. It isn’t clear entirely from reading this short, 55 page effort, what its authors are saying, outside of Russia bad.