Chris Larson

In The Midst of The Wisconsin Presidential Primary-- The Milwaukee County Executive Election

Shepherd Express, I feel your pain. In 2006, Blue America was tricked into endorsing a reactionary posing as a real Democrat, Chris Carney. He won-- with our help-- and as soon as he did, he pulled off the mask and exposed himself as a bigot, a Blue Dog and one of those "Democrats" who vote more with the GOP than with the Democrats. We apologized-- and then raised and spent over a quarter million dollars to defeat him in a subsequent election.

This Week's Progressive Victory In Wisconsin-- And What Comes Next

Tuesday night I went to sleep thinking that Wisconsin's most progressive state Senator, Chris Larson, made it into the run-off by coming in second in the race for Milwaukee County Executive (arguably, the second most important elected official in the state after governor). At 4am my phone rang and it was an excited NY-based operative telling me that with all the precincts counted, Larson had won a stunning victory over billionaire right-of-center incumbent-- he inherited the money-- Chris Abele.

The Fight For Wisconsin's Future: Chris Larson

Chris Larson, building a progressive bench in WisconsinThe whole country had a chance to look at Scott Walker a few times over the last couple of years, most recently as he stumbled through-- and then out of-- the Republican presidential primary, where even early backers like the Koch brothers were horrified by his terrible performance. How did this clown even get elected governor of a sensible state Wisconsin? Well...

What Will It Take To Turn The Wisconsin State Senate Blue?

Unless you were completely out of it last week, you probably saw something about Wisconsin prosecutors accusing Gov. Scott Walker of overseeing a sweeping “criminal scheme” to illegally coordinate fundraising and campaign activity among conservative groups in a broad effort to help him-- and Republican senators-- beat back recalls in 2011 and 2012.

Taking Back The Wisconsin State Senate-- Meet Penny Bernard Schaber

With Steve Israel running the DCCC there is no chance of the Democrats winning back the House, literally, none whatsoever. Israel is leaving too many vulnerable Republicans on the table and squandering DCCC money on ridiculous races that aren't long shots, but NO SHOTS. People think I'm being apocryphal when I say he's flushing resources down a toilet with a PVI of R+15. But I'm being literal.

Yes Another Earth-Shaking Republican Scandal In Wisconsin

You probably read yesterday that Tom Petri (R-WI) will be formally announcing on Monday that he will be retiring from Congress at the end of this year. He just doesn't have it in him to fight off right-wing extremist Glenn Grothman, the union-hating kook who wants to abolish weekends. Grothman doesn't live in Petri's district, but part of his own state senatorial district is part of WI-06, Petri's district.