China Watch with Peter Lee

Trump in Asia: China Looks to Make the Communist Party Great Again…Or Else!

Xi Jinping is going to Make the CCP Great Again…or else.  And there is a universe of dumb remarks surrounding Donald Trump as he heads into Asia…and some of them didn’t come from Donald Trump.  New product alert: time to roll out the Democracy Quadrilateral: this year’s hottest fashion in China containment.  Finally, “lawfare” didn’t work for the China hawks.  How about “crimefare”?
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America Preps for another Decade of Failure in Asia

We’re inching toward another war in central Asia.  And it’s going to start in the place America has been failing for 15 years: Afghanistan!  Sorry Afghanistan!  But we’ll always have Wagah.  And China hawks have to wrestle with the failures of the pivot, and Donald Trump’s disinterest in fixing it.  Angry times in Asialand with a side order of denial!  But Shinzo Abe knows the way to Donald Trump’s heart.  It’s Pen Pineapple Apple Pen!
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America Dashes for Its China Dead End…Will the World Follow?

Hot takes on the 19th Congress of the Chinese Communist Party.  Takes so hot they’re probably melting through…to China…as we speak.  Also the maybe most important and consequential story of not just of the week but of the year: the United States officially climbs into bed with India as a key strategic partner.  And China is listening anxiously for the creaking bedsprings, not just in Beijing but also down in Pakistan on the China Pakistan Economic Corridor.  And China is now officially an enemy of the liberal international order.  Is that good?  Is that smart?  Well…

The War with China Comes Home to America

China hawks have announced that the campaign against Chinese influence developed in Australia is just about ready to export, not just to Asia, but to America and the world.  The recipe is simple: security service dossiers carefully cooked by national security journalists, and seasoned with fear and denial. It’s not just an antidote to China’s growing influence throughout the world; it’s meant to mask the bitter taste of a decade of American failure…and to give the West the appetite for another generation of conflict.

It’s Here! The Rathunt for Chinese Spies and American Traitors Has Begun!

This week, gadfly billionaire Miles Kwok returned to center stage in the China drama with accusations of Chinese agents in the United States…and of a Chinese intelligence asset at the heart of the US government media operation, the Voice of America.
It wasn’t just an accusation.  It was an orchestrated call for a rat hunt, one that the US media has yet to respond to.  But it’s coming.  China hawks want it, Steve Bannon wants it, and they’re going to get it.
Buckle up, America.  Treason.  It’s not just for Russians anymore.

Trump Tweets Towards War with North Korea…and China Moves On Bitcoin

Donald Trump escalated America’s protracted, tweet-heavy standoff with North Korea.  But that wasn’t the only story out of Asia this week.There were also big new developments in the emerging anti-China alliance of two Asian superheavyweights, Japan and India; a major upheaval in US Pacific Command, the US military operation in Asia, whose annual budget is about twenty times the size of North Korea’s GDP.  And Bitcoin!  Yes Bitcoin!  Cryptocurrencies are going to be the next global battlefield in the hybrid war between China and the United States…in fact, the battle has already been joined.<

North Korea Goes Nuclear on Trump at UN! Will the Real Nukes Follow?

The public rhetoric heated up as Trump and North Korea had at it at the United Nations.  But DPRK Foreign Minister Ri Young Hou, in addition to delivering some of the best anti-Trump insults on the planet, offered some real insights in his United Nations speech.  North Korea has its own road map for resolution that doesn’t involve unilateral denuclearization, and probably has a price tag of a few hundred billion dollars.

Last Off Ramp for Korean Peace Ahead! Will the Deep State Let Trump Take It?

You want to worry about North Korea?  Go ahead!  But worry more about the emerging Indo-Japanese axis and the implications for anti-China adventurism in Afghanistan and Pakistan.  And we’ve got a sneak peak at my documentary on a US conspiracy to bring the PRC to heel via an Asian war…in 1951!
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Is Trump Planning a Korean Peace Surprise? And Can the Deep State Stop Him?

North Korea’s got nukes.  And it’s got ICBMs.  Even so, US hawks have pushed the Korean peace process into a dead end.  But can they keep it there?  Not just Russia and China want negotiations.  Maybe Donald Trump wants to negotiate too!  Is the deep state going to push back?  What do you think?  It already has!  And why didn’t Seth Rogen melt off Kim Jong Un’s face?
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Kim Jong Un’s Nuclear Target: China

North Korea has taken a lot of crap from China over the decades.  Now it looks ready to dish it back.  Let’s welcome the world’s ninth bona fide nuclear power: North Korea!  North Korea’s nuclear weapons aren’t just a deterrent; they’re leverage for North Korea to push away from China and push the United States toward acceptance of North Korea as a legitimate state.  That was just some of the bad news for China on its periphery as headaches pile up in the Himalayas, Myanmar, and Cambodia.