child trafficking

The DYNCORP Rabbit-Hole: Child-Trafficking, Black Ops, ‘Pizza-Gate’ & More…

A week ago, I relayed the report, via the Times of Israel, that President Trump was seeking Stephen Feinberg – CEO of the private security firm (mercenary group), DYNCORP – to conduct an “audit” of American intelligence and security agencies. I suggested that the Israeli billionaire’s enlistment by Trump for that purpose might essentially amount […]

It’s Time The MHA Crack The Whip on Child Trafficking

I had just finished reading Anita Nair’s recent novel, “ Chain of Custody” which gives a glimpse into the dark, convoluted business of child trafficking, when I also came across a video of Hollywood actor Ashton Kutcher talking about the same issue at the US Senate. Kutcher talks about a horrifying video clipthat has been doing the rounds on the[Read More...]