Chemical Attack

Russia has ‘irrefutable evidence’ chemical attack in Syria was staged – Lavrov

In speaking with his Dutch counterpart, Stef Blok, Sergei Lavrov revealed that Russia holds evidence that the incident in Douma, Syria on April 7th was staged by the intelligence services of a foreign state pushing a “Russophobic campaign.”
“We have irrefutable evidence that it was another staging, and the special services of a state which is in the forefront of the Russophobic campaign had a hand in the staging,” Lavrov said at a news conference as reported by RT.

Pentagon admits NO evidence of chemical attack in Syria, relying on ‘social media’

Secretary of Defense James Mattis told lawmakers in the US Thursday that the Pentagon does not have any evidence that chlorine or sarin were used in the Syrian city of Douma.
Mattis went on to say that the majority of the claims were coming from mainstream media reports and social media posts – in other words, the rising tensions between nuclear superpowers over an alleged chemical attack in Syria, inching closer towards World War 3, has been all based on ZERO evidence, only fake media reports.
Via Sputnik:

France now considers striking Syria, Macron claims he has ‘proof’ Assad used chemical weapons

French President and US vassal, Emmanuel Macron, claims he has concrete evidence the Syrian government allegedly used chemical weapons in the Syrian city of Douma.
Macron is mulling over his own decision to strike Syria, promising to make a decision on whether or not to strike ‘when the time comes’, and promised that Paris would not allow for an “escalation” to take place in the region.

Russia controls Douma, guarantees impartial investigation; that makes US attack MORE likely

Amidst all the fury about the alleged chemical attack on Douma on Sunday, it is impossible to hold on to one single vital fact.
There have been two previous occasions when chemical weapons attacks had resulted in actual or threatened US military action.  The first was in 2013 in East Ghouta, the second was in 2017 in Khan Sheikhoun.
On both those occasions the Jihadis after the alleged attacks retained control of the alleged crime scene, ie. of the place where the chemical weapons attack was supposed to have happened.

Eastern Ghouta and the miraculous chemical bombs

According to Syrian rebel sources, amplified by the usual suspects in the propaganda campaign against Syria, the Syrian Army launched a chemical assault on the Douma pocket in Eastern Ghouta on Saturday. However, it was widely predicted that Jaish al Islam, cornered and facing imminent defeat, would launch such a provocation in order to provide […]

Syria warns that joint retaliation with Russia could be a consequence of US aggression

Speaking at a press conference in Damascus, Syria’s Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad issued a stern warning to the US, should Washington act upon statements from last week week promising that Syria would pay a “heavy price” for a chemical attack.
Syria no longer has chemical weapons as the US itself acknowledged in 2014.
This of course has not stopped terrorists from making videos claiming that such an attack has occurred, a stunt that Russia’s Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova dismissed as “propaganda”.