charlie hebdo

Charlie Hebdo ou la malédiction de Desproges-Zuckerberg

Je n’aime pas beaucoup Charlie Hebdo. Certes, je ne partage pas beaucoup de leurs idées, mais de telles divergences politiques ne m’empêchent pas d’apprécier le travail d’autres dessinateurs et artistes. Certes, je trouve certains de leurs dessins déplacés, mais cela ne me choque pas outre mesure, je ne suis pas du genre sensible à ce niveau. Non, si je n’aime pas beaucoup Charlie Hebdo, c’est tout simplement parce qu’en général, le journal ne me fait pas rire.

Who organised the attacks of January and November 2015 in Paris?

New information, published by the Croatian daily Slobodna Dalmacija, alleges that the French state was responsible for the attacks which occurred in Paris in January and November 2015. Either the French authorities had previously infiltrated the groups which perpetrated these attacks, and chose not to intervene to prevent them, or else they were directly implicated in the organisation of the attacks.

Hoffman contra Houellebecq

How France’s Leaders Failed Its People Translated from the FrenchLire en français (Read it in French) By Michel Houellebecq New York Times | Nov. 19, 2015[Michael Hoffman’s reply to Houellebecq immediately follows, below]Paris — In the aftermath of the January attacks in Paris, I spent two days transfixed watching the news. In the aftermath of the Nov.

The French Republic taken hostage

In truth, France had been implicated on the side of Al-Qaïda at least since the beginning of 2011. At that time, the United Kingdom and France had signed up for the US project called « the Arab Spring ». The goal of this operation was to overthrow all the secular Arab régimes and replace them with dictatorships run by the Muslim Brotherhood.
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