Carrie Mathison

Porkins Policy Radio episode 136 Homeland Season 7 Russiagate Redux with Tom Secker

Tom Secker joins e today for our mid season breakdown of Homeland Season 7. We start off by discussing the first major arc of the season, the Ruby Ridge/Waco standoff between O’Keefe and and the FBI. Tom and I discuss the surprisingly balanced approach Homeland has taken to this topic. We discuss the idea that this is a clever attempt at portraying the CIA as the adults in the room willing to negotiate, as opposed to the psychotic gun totting FBI. We also explore the historical events Homeland is touching on: Ruby Ridge and Waco.

Porkins Policy Radio episode 130 Homeland Season 7 Premiere with Tom Secker

Tom Secker of Spy Culture joins me to discuss the season 7 premiere of Homeland. We start off by giving a quick recap of the previous season which saw a faction of the deep state attempt to assassinate President Elect Elibazeth Keane. Tom and I then dive into this season, which breaks with Homeland protocol, and picks up 52 days after the events of season 6.

Porkins Policy Radio episode 77 Homeland Season 6 with Tom Secker and Breaking News with Robbie Martin

In the first hour Tom Secker joins me to discuss the season premier of Homeland season six. We talk about the season reboot which has become a ubiquitous feature of Homeland. Tom and I begin by discussing our initial impressions of the season and where we think the show is going on a political and emotional level. Next we move onto one of the new and most interesting characters in the show, President-elect Elizabeth Keane, the junior Senator from New York.

Porkins Policy Radio episode 41 Homeland Season 5 ep. 7

On this episode of our Homeland review series,Tom and I try to decipher this puzzle-piece of an episode. In contrast to last week’s fairly simple episode, this week’s was complex and intriguing. We explore the character of Alison and her trajectory from CIA station chief to Russian double agent. We discuss how the show is turning her into the ultimate villain, who is not only a master manipulator, but a cold and calculating egoist. We touch on the fact that Alison seems to be driven not by money or ideology, but by her ego and her desire to be seen as the smartest person in the room.

Porkins Policy Radio episode 40 Homeland Season 5 ep. 5

In the latest of our Homeland reviews, Tom and I tackle the latest episode, ¨Better Call Saul.” In true form to this season, the fifth episode completely resets the original storyline and refocuses our attention to the evil Russians. Tom and I discuss this development and how it plays out in the episode. From the bombing of General Yusuf’s plane, to the hack, to the revelation of Alison being a double agent, it is now all about the Russians.

Porkins Policy Radio episode 39 Homeland Season 5 ep.3

Tom and I are back again with another Homeland review show. This week we begin by exploring Homeland’s blatant sexism and misogny. We focus first on Carrie and her characters return to bi-polar nymphomaniac, and how the show has routinely made Carrie into an awful female character that we all hate. Tom and I discuss our theories for why the producers have continued to make Carrie into a monster and how this translates into a larger picture of how we view the CIA through Carrie.